
Cardiologist McCullough says "STOP THE SHOTS" Nattokinase may help dissolve spike protein, KNOWthesigns especially leg swelling after plane can mean clot:

https://rumble.com/v2ahjoa-stop-the-shots-says-cardiologist-mccullough.html ❤️‍🩹

Find the parents on Twitter who lost their child to one shot

@shdegaray73 @themartins @elonmusk @pierrekory @briannedressen @allendmartin @rgvrunner01

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org


We KNEW this was bad for people UNDER 40 as soon as March of 2021. There is ABUNDANT test data to destroy your notions of a “safe and effective” vaccine. You just need to READ it.

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I appreciate you Dan

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

Kid gets jabbed, dies. Then Liberals call it propaganda if you mention it.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

Do you have any idea how many people you are hurting with your unscientific propaganda. Shame on you.

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Are you saying follow the science? Because I will tell you science is NOT absolute. And this is medical... poison...experimental drugs that was fraudulently released with no informed consent. A repeating history of pharmaceutical companies with a long line of injuries and deaths in their wake. 7 trillion dollars later, people are still blind to the facts and evidence. When you wake up, and eventually you will, if all be a hard pull to swallow and shock to what you missed and ignored. We did not know in the beginning, but we so now...

Opinion does NOT Trump facts/evidence.

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Mel, I know it is not easy to get the shots then see it does not stop transmission, illness and death: Cardiologist McCullough says "STOP THE SHOTS" Nattokinase may help dissolve spike protein, KNOW the signs especially leg swelling after plane can mean clot . FDA study shows plane clots 11% result in death

https://rumble.com/v2ahjoa-stop-the-shots-says-cardiologist-mccullough.html ❤️‍🩹

Find the parents on Twitter who lost their child to one shot and those injured in the quick EUA trials.

@shdegaray73 @themartins @elonmusk @pierrekory @briannedressen @allendmartin @rgvrunner01

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

What makes something scientific? The answer for most low-IQ people is that it is cited by the government as "approved." A circular argument. Follow the money: the approved sources are those that write reports that are favorable to the government's narrative. Other information does not get any press at all. Yet lots of young people are dying suddenly. Too many to ignore. And, nobody innocent gets hurt by the truth. What planet do you live on?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

Liar. Section 5 of both package inserts reveal children can die of cardiac issues after the vaccine. Fact. Read it before your hate speech.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

You are absolutely welcome to take as many shots as you like, as often as you like. No one is stopping you.

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Doctor Michael Huang has saved children from vax and mask

helps thousands with vaccine injury, mask/vaccine exemptions.

His First language is "common sense."

HE SAYS “5 deaths is too many” yet “for Mel, and many colleges, public health directors, governors, doctors, fire and police leaders, military, even 500,000 experimental gene therapy deaths, debilitation and injury isn't enough!”

He says if his license gets taken “what a way to go, I saved many lives and jobs”



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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

Was that question aimed at Pfizer?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

This is actually true information - I live in Ontario & this poor father travels around the province telling other parents about his experience. It is pure evil what our government & youth sports associations did to our kids last fall. They encouraged them to do this behind their parents back & fed them free ice cream after they took the jab. THERE IS ZERO LONG TERM STUDIES SHOWING HOW THIS POISON AFFECTS FERTILITY. There will be a massive infertility epidemic in the next 5-15 yrs…wait for it & remember this post.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

Exactly. The miscarriage rate has skyrocketed (over 1000% higher). No safety studies or pregnancy registries completed. Yes - fertility is already being effected. Young women are also hemorrhaging after taking it - it’s terrifying to see. You are completely correct (I work in healthcare and have a doctorate too). Docs are meeting in secret (so they do t get fired) to discuss the issue.

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Shame on you for being part of the cover-up. As immigrant Dr Huang explains, no number of deaths mean anything to most in the San Fran and other blue areas of the USA as he is witness to tears from covid shots causing sudden deaths, heart attacks, strokes, turbo cancers and more. Be sure to take shot 3,4,5 since shot 1-2 did not work.

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We do not know how many more will die due to censorship of truth. Teens and adults have died from censorship resulting in heart and organ failure from the new gene therapy for covid that was tested for 2-3 months on humans. If we said they died from covid, that would be acceptable

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

We would expect nothing less from a person with this self description: "Medical research in biology and infectious diseases." Poor, indoctrinated tool of Big Pharma. "Educated" in schools controlled by the AMA and the Rockefellers. Complicit in Mass murders and maiming. Yeah... You're the guy we should trust. Look in a mirror REAL HARD before you reply.

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HOW MANY DO WE KNOW SUDDENLY DID NOT WAKE UP? our coach 37 left behind 6 kids, https://www.vcstar.com/obituaries/vcs027710 my ObGyn Jay Goldberg 53 died on hike, friend’s neighbor healthy 54 nap after swim never woke, other friend’s neighbor 51 didn’t wake 4 kids, 2friends kids 17-18❤️‍🩹

https://twitter.com/melisopp/status/1627428785841926144?s=46&t=wwQjB2WxtIckI4OjaPwNwA follow me on Twitter, let’s support freedom to tell the truth, these new shots are hurting people

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Amalya at GrowthFactor.org

Amalya, You do know I was replying to Mel Stageon, right? These threads sometimes get confusing. Love your post.

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How do we keep in touch Greg? Maybe be on my show?

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You are deeply appreciated you freedom fighter truth teller 💕STAY PURE BLOOD

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