friends report healing: sinus, cancer, autism, arthritis, vaccine&covid damage, skin lung heart issues, shingles, HPV, COPD, Toe nail fungus, mold, smells
click here
click here
Email me if you still need help I recommend getting this great special offer from SNOOT! to get nose spray. You can also use the Frontier site for more products (wounds, toe or nail fungus). I suggest the bundle: spray, toothpaste, mouthwash. HALF OFF discount to SNOOT! spray. Discount is limited time, will show up at check out, use this link for 50% off Snoot! nasal spray or enter code GrowthFactor50 or
click here to get 5% off the entire site called Frontier, for more products. I suggest all 3: spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, that is what I purchased.
Purchase Berberine here, use code GrowthFactor for 20% off entire order plus black seed oil, iodine, etc. See my other article on Berberine here, it acts as nature’s ozempic, stops my sugar cravings, leads to weight loss.
Click here to read it and share it
Take class at your leisure, your own time, Andreas Klacker Institute, EXPERT MASTER SEMINAR IN OXIDATIVE THERAPIES, CLICK HERE
Bolivia used CD and ivermectin to heal the people from covid. I am using CD due to my friend Nancy who suffered for 2 years with shingles after a tetanus shot almost killed her (read the FDA product insert, page 1 shows the dangers)! She went from 140 pounds to 84, could not get out of bed 6 months! She was dying, still uses CD, it has been 9 months, after trying EVERYTHING! Within 5 days her severe fatigue was gone, never to return. She got me to order it. I had no idea I had stuffed sinuses, which CD cleared up. CD also cleared my mind. I too often avoid piles of paperwork I was able to accomplish! Susie also used CD to stop and “cure” her severe fatigue from Nov 2023 covid (she has many diagnosis such as CONNS syndrome, bladder issues). CD is a powerful oxygen in your stomach to organs to the mitochondria, when you drink it, it is as if you are using a hyperbaric chamber. chlorine

This is Nancy before chlorine dioxide healed her shingles caused by tetanus shot! She said, “Healing has been slow and methodical from tetanus vax injuries. It’s taken 19 months for me to find ways to heal, with much Prayer & Trust. We’ve learned that life is worth the struggle back to health. We chose a vegan diet, Uro Therapy daily for over 15 months and Chlorine Dioxide for 9 months, I was finally able to get out of bed. With a lot of patience and love, they have shown their power to heal. Jim & I are very thankful to be healing.”
At what dose do 50% of subjects die? Clo2 is just a tad worse than water.
For new readers: HERE to subscribe to my Rumble and my recent Twitter X post to witness a healed child from autism, adhd, non-verbal. Hope ya subscribe and my youtube for NDE near death experience interviews. Click here to subscribe to my RUMBLE channel to learn how CD stopped severe mold and saved a town! Click here to make it yourself and to benefit from the research of Doctor Lee Merritt.
This is general commentary; I am a nutritionist, hypnotherapist and never give medical advice. If you can find an expert to help you, godspeed, but these are rare and hard to judge. The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide is the best single reference I found. You must make your decisions based on your research and judgment. Do your reading and never believe me nor any authority, without confirmation.
On September 5 2024 I spoke with Kerri Rivera and Michelle of Snoot! where Kerri explained her biggest success with autism is the carnivore diet. She has used this way of eating herself for 15 years. She notices kids who move to a red meat diet do heal faster. She explains the reason is when a child (adults too) eat plants such as wheat, soy, fruits veggies, there is a biofilm on the gut due to elements such as glutamate. MSG is mono sodium glutamate. Glutamate is in plants, nuts, veggie and too much can lead to inflammation. Glutamate is found in broccoli, strawberries, almonds, etc. Here is Dr Russell Baylock for more on glutamate, the dangers of MSG and aspartame. He shows all of the hidden foods that have MSG. MSG began to be added to baby foods which damages the retina, brain lesions, critical parts of the brain leading to stroke, hypoglycemia, Alzheimers. America keeps it in food bec. they pay for tv and ads and google, MSG is a mulit-billion business. They never took it out of food they just renamed it and placed it in “toddler foods.’ and added to baby formulas. MSG crosses the blood-brain barrier. He calls these fake foods excitotoxins which make your brain want the food but it is toxic to every cell. Kerri mentioned that we know in states that push hospital baby shots have an autism rate of 1:22 however those 22 kids may not be called autistic yet they may have mood issues, low IQ, autoimmune, stunted growth, criminal behaviors, PANDAS, eczema, asthma, eyesight issues, leukemia. Michelle explained YouTube added a censorship policy that will delete and give you a strike if you discuss mms or cd chlorine dioxide. Kerri said adults who use chlorine dioxide can heal their: fatigue, hashimotos, autoimmune, fibromyalgia, lyme, diabetes 2, and more. We discussed the benefits of berberine which is a natural plant ozempic you can take one before each meal hour before, 3 times day. Her site for great products If you hire Kerri she is inexpensive and will follow up 90 days later and when you need her. She says the nicotine patch is great to heal and to protect yourself from the shedding of those that get more covid and shingles, measles, flu shots. She says the kids respond well to CD enema. Often parents will see parasites pouring out. Use 3.5 to 7mg nicotine patch as it firewalls cell, fill the cells, pushes viruses bacteria out of cells and helps the anxiety of autism from bacteria. Dr Ardis likes the RUGBY brand. For pain Kerri discussed from kv to use liquid DMSO 99.9% She likes methylene blue and had some on her site. She uses mebendazole for her family when they parasite cleanse. DR KLINGHART ALLDAYCHEMIST .COM INDIA EMA H7 AMINO ACIDS RID OF AMMONIA PARASITES FROM VACCINES valerian 1-2 droppers 1-2 times a day magnesium glycerinate dr group veggies scratch the gut loofa raise fertility pregnant fast meat good at gut p methylene blue ms crohns easy plus diet b17 world without cancer with griffin apricot seed HUNS have these trees poisons tumor cells laetrile parasite don’t do it will make him worse for now mother faxed kid not cesarian is autism mothers over 28 hypothyroidism Dr Roby Mitchelll 28 HER KID IS WERID 24 SHE HAD HYPOTHYRODISM HAD KID 30 34 CD HTHER SON AGE 10 SO SOME
NOTES - COME BACK FOR MORE INFO ON HEALING MEMORY LOSS MYELIN SHEATH fast acting over the counter insulin Walmart spray nose turns into glucose recover memory Suzana clark wakefoest unviable 8.4 mill dollars funding nasal insulin brain damage in autism alzhimers dementia early studi8es shows heals brain type 3 diabetes use methylene blue neutropic nose spray
Michelle of Snoot! learned about Biocide, the company for CD.
Tons of research was done by them on CD. Valerie Alliger-Bograd is the daughter of Howard Alliger of Biocide, her twitter is at @ FrontierPkv labs harma. Follow @ SNOOT SPRAY on twitter. CD can be used in your eye to stop pathogens from entering. Spray into eye, ears, back of throat, nose, mouth. CD is a gas you mix yourself for the week to use it, at 30 seconds it becomes 40 ppm, if it sits in a cup it will get stronger in 5-10 min to 200ppm. 15-30 seconds is good for daily use. 1-2 min in the cup, for bad infections. Longer it sits, the longer it oxidizes. For severe damage, use CD as a drink you can make yourself with ingredients online. CD using SNOOT! is topical, neutralizes cytokines, helps stop inflammation throughout the oxidation process. It is disinfecting, removes biofilm such as when your jacuzzi or ice maker feel slimy, anti-microbial, cleansing, heals burns, kills virus, bacteria, fungus/sinusitis, people are shocked how well. Neutralizes cytokines. When you drink, breaks down into salt water, doesn’t last as CD, organs have been tested. Safe for nursing mothers. NASA called it the “Universal Antidote” because Howard Alliger experimented with NASA to learn all the benefits. People who thank Snoot! say it helped heal so much. It is a gas that you make yourself by mixing. Dissolves in oil, fat, so soluble it helps transport across wounds and the body. Used in dental industry. Howard said a limo pulled up one day “I love this stuff! I am gonna take your company public!” Began to use CD in hospitals. CD is a gas and Howard made it easy to use. Then is was sold to EcoLab but they did not do more work, such as a gel. When EcoLab sold, Howard improved the technology, made gel, a single part which means you don’t have to mix it! stable for 1.5 years. Would healing and mouthwash toothpaste are two parts, to allow calcium in it. Jonathan Otto is a huge fan.
My friend Randy diagnosed with bladder tumors and kidney growths, leading to hypothyroidism. He used two forms of chlorine dioxide treatments, which helped him heal completely. He experienced hair growth, weight loss, now muscle rebuilding. Randy believes CD and urotherapy saved his life. Now uses only CDS protocols and bath soaks before bedtime. After using CD 8 weeks he switched to CDS, pH levels improved. He continues to use CDS to flood his body with 160 mls daily. Despite initial side effects - stomach pain/loose stools, Randy credits CDS for eliminating his sickness, helping him rebuild his body.
Papers Reviewed:
2021 Sep (Mitchell Liester) - The chlorine dioxide controversy: A deadly poison or a cure for COVID-19?
2016 Mar (Kim et al) - Anticancer and Antiviral Activity of Chlorine Dioxide by Its Induction of the Reactive Oxygen Species
2017 Oct (Laurent Schwartz) - Chlorine dioxide as a possible adjunct to metabolic treatment
2017 (Ma et al) - Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of a Chlorine Dioxide Solution
2020 (Insignares-Carrione et al) - Chlorine Dioxide in COVID-19: Hypothesis about the Possible Mechanism of Molecular Action in SARS-CoV-2
2021 (Insignares-Carrione et al) - Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19
2022 Oct (Yildiz et al) - The Anticancer Potential of Chlorine Dioxide in Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cells
Here is how and why your parents and kids are already vax damage since 1930
the ingredients of almost all “vaccines”
Heal many ills by removing heavy metals and parasites we are all exposed to in pig meat, fish, pills, “vaccines,” lotions, wall plug-ins, etc
read the book by Kerri Rivera here
“Every virus on earth is beaten with nicotine: watch here influenza, corona, measles, rabies, HIV, polio.” says Dr Bryan Ardis. Watch here to see how to heal after years of no smell, taste after covid. Inhibitory effect of nicotine on cytokine storm in lungs in severe respiratory symptoms in the recent epidemic era of covid, including mood regulation, anti-inflammatory effects, and purported interference with SARS-CoV-2 entry and/or replication. Supposedly can help kids and adults with autism. Chew the gum PROOF here here . Dr Ardis has said “use the gum, 2 mg 4 times a day, 10 minutes each, then spit it out.” He tried to help his wife for 2 years to heal the taste and smell issues, from covid, she did not take shots, by day 3 she was healed. Nicotine is NOT addictive it is the additives that are the problem. Nicotine is in celery, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant!!! Tobacco industry adds Pyrazines which have chemosensory and pharmacological properties. Pyrazines help to optimize nicotine delivery and dosing, and promote addiction through cueing, learned behavior and/or direct effect.
“Every virus on earth is beaten with nicotine: watch here influenza, corona, measles, rabies, HIV, polio.” says Dr Bryan Ardis MAKE CD YOURSELF
If you want to know how to make CD yourself, subscribe to Doctor Robert Yoho’s incredible blog here. If you want to watch the CD documentary click here for The Universal Antidote. If you want to save kids from autism using CD, watch Kerri Rivera here . She says she healed her son’s autism with CD. She explains Google used to tell the truth (now they do not) about CD (kills viruses, parasites, candida, bacteria, inflammation, heavy metals.) Kerri Rivera . com. She also uses for autism, which is leaky gut: hydrochloric acid, black seed oil, homemade folvic. This is how to learn more about CD with expert Andrea Kalcker click here. Here is a wonderful slide show on CD chlorine dioxide and Snoot! how it helps pets, too. This is the company that helps hire special needs workers that Snoot! uses. You can also get the telegram app to read “Chlorine Dioxide Testimonials” and “The Universal Antidote Videos” use search for those groups. To become a CD Practitioner clic here. Here is Doctor Lee Merritt document on CD click “Chlorine Dioxide—the Universal Antidote. For educational use only, not to be considered medical treatment.”
“What is disease? For the most part, it is lack of oxygen. This is why chlorine dioxide likely will work for you and why google lies. CD places oxygen in your body, oxidation, destroying what is not meant to be there! I see CD as similar to using a hyperbaric oxygen system. Disease is lack of energy due to pathogens, parasites, fungus, mold, toxins, heavy metals from childhood shots since the early 1900’s you got as a baby, candida, all which impede the energy flow into our bodies, but those are not the only thing that produce toxins. Our food contains agro-chemicals and Pharma drugs for people, animal, in soil, fish and water.” says my friend Nancy. This includes Monsanto’s spray on our wheat which bloats, harms us called glyphosate. Plus seed oils harm us deeply:
I do not believe in panaceas, yet CDS potentially heals or hopefully “cures” hundreds of diseases standard medicine cannot. These include the Lyme and covid bioweapons, vaccine-caused autism (or autism from the mother’s flu, hpv or other shots when baby never got any shots). My friend Andria is covid-shot damaged, will be using CD soon, due to three of her contacts reversing covid vax damage. Check back with me on her status, my email You can bathe in CD, place into your nose or drink it. Do not drink the SNOOT! Products. CD has helped fully heal: arthritis, HIV, Nancy’s severe illness from tetanus shot shingles, COPD, sinuses, covid shot damage to Andria’s friends and more!
Be mindful of DMSO for pain, mental retardation, paralysis and more, learn about how it helps aches, arthritis, whiplash, balding, scleroderma, helps alleviate symptoms cancer patients on chemotherapy, phantom limb pain after amputation, Bronchiolitis, asthma, heavy metals: binds to aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and eliminates them through sweat, urine subscribe to my Rumble and YouTube
He claims evidence here (not in English) aqueous chlorine dioxide solution can inactivate binding of spike variant proteins to human ACE2 receptor protein. This means if you have the covid vaccine and need to get rid of spike proteins, chlorine dioxide can do it.
When you make ClO2 CD chlorine dioxide, mixing sodium chlorite 25% with hydrochloric acid 4%, there’s never any free chlorine, there is no bleach! Google lies!
Chlorine dioxide is CIO2. Two begins with “T” replace the 2 with a “T” in the chemical formula. What does it say? CLOT. Perhaps CD helps heal or stop clots?
if you wanna donate to my 55 hours of work, for this article, updating every few days, click here…
“But But, the polio shot stopped the spread of polio,” says people who never studied what polio is, yet we know plenty the polio “vaccine” caused not only polio debilitation but also daily seizures, since their 1960s shot! This is due to the shot’s Heavy Metals, called “adjuvants.” CD maybe heals this damage?
CD is a cheap, nontoxic, reliable disinfectant, widely used since the 1970s. Hundreds of studies are published about its safety and efficacy. It had been used to treat species from humans to pets to honey bees, which are profoundly sensitive. In humans, chlorine dioxide CD is proven to heal many illnesses. For some animals, it improves longevity, removing the heavy metals of pet “vaccines.”
CD resembles the false ivermectin story “horse medicine” when the media/FDA lied! The psychopaths of google YouTube Linkedin FDA CDC NIH WHO UN want us to see CD as a conspiracy, same as they attempted with safe, effective Ivermectin!
PubMed has 1326 references on chlorine dioxide. Most of them are toxicity studies that conclude it is safe.
Stephanie Seneff (MIT)’s key interview: CDS destroys glyphosate, reverses autism
glyphosate is in our American bread, thanks to this weed killer by Monsanto! This is why you can eat bread in Italy and Israel without weight gain and inflammation.
Use CD as fruit, veggie bath to remove glyphosate! 4-8 drops in 2 quarts water.
HALF OFF discount to SNOOT! spray. Discount is limited time FLASH SPECIAL, will show up at check out, use this link for 50% off Snoot! nasal spray or enter code GrowthFactor50 or
click here to get 5% off the entire site, the site is Frontier for more products, I suggest all 3: spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, that is what I purchased, using “shop now” button, choose DioxiCare Collection. Click the image to purchase or click here .
…If you wish to donate to my hard work, this could save your life…
How does CDS work? Human cells easily handle the oxidation produced by chlorine dioxide, but viruses, molds, heavy metals, bacteria cannot, so they die. Kalcker says, “[CDS] is oxidizing, which is precisely the body’s plan B to convert an acidic toxin into a nontoxic alkaline.” From the video below: “The word ‘chlorine dioxide’ is misleading bec. chlorine is not the active element. Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing, not a chlorinating agent. ClO2 penetrates the cell wall to react with amino acids in the cytoplasm within the cell, killing the microorganism.”
Here is the chemical structure difference between CD ClO2 and bleach NaClO
CD perhaps can HEAL AIDS, cancer, Lyme disease, viruses, bacteria, arthritis and more have been reported.
In mice and human studies, CDS kills certain cancer tumors in less than 48 hours
Kills bacteria, fungus, Giardia, molds, parasites in humans and animals
Kills viruses including influenza, covid, others. Prevents viral illnesses
Treats infected wounds, improves wound healing time
CDS is used as a sanitizing agent and for producing sterile water
Treats HIV, most countries do not allow it
Treats HPV—genital warts. Kills multi-drug resistant bacteria.
Treats pseudomonas, e coli, staph aureus
CDS used to decontaminate deep surgical wounds, heal surgical infections
Cures toenail fungus, warts, acne, candida. I ordered some from Frontier Pharmaceuticals that is my discount link for you to buy and to share
Cures fungal skin infections. When sprayed on the entire body, all funguses are cured. Treats viral hepatits
Cures inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and COPD
Cures malaria within 3 hours to 3 days in 154 out of 154 people in one study. The International Red Cross covered this up. The video documentary about it has been banned from YouTube but the links to Bitchute and Brighteon versions can be found below. One provider describes treating 500 people in a day.
Missionaries in Africa report curing 70,000 to 100,000 cases of typhoid fever and malaria
Curing chronic, debilitating Lyme disease, a manufactured bioweapon. Treats diabetes. Heals inflammatory arthritis
Cures or or nearly cures herpes (Alcide corporation)
For seriously ill covid patients, CDS rapidly cured 100/100 patients in Ecuador and thousands more without a failure.
Restore bladder control in women w/stress incontinence. Cure chronic fatigue
Kalcker says it prevents some harms from graphene oxide in the covid vax
To see how Google FDA CDC fear mongering continues through today, search YouTube for “Church of Bleach” - clearly a government-Pharma partnership creation. For the history of CD and how to make it yourself go to Dr Robert Yoho here.
DO NOT use google to research chlorine dioxide because they are controlled by Pharma sponsors and they lie. From now on use Yandex to research. When you suggest CD to friends, they will use Google or ChatGPT to scare themselves out of healing, and you could respond to the lies with this true story:
One of the most famous spoofs is the work of Nathan Zohner, student at Eagle Rock Junior High School in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Zohner's science fair project, entitled "How gullible are we?" examined the response of his fellow students to a "petition" to ban dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO). Zohner wrote a "petition" stating the dangers of DHMO in such a way that most readers think it is a dangerous product of an industrial lab, rather than what it really is, water (H2O). Soon Zohner's petition was posted on the Internet, emailed ‘round the world, learn here how Nathan got the world to think water was dangerous, using the chemical word.
The point of the above story is how easily we humans are fooled. Do not let Google fool you anymore. Chlorine Dioxide is safe.
|||| in case you want to send a donation to help my work ||||
Let us begin with how SNOOT! has helped many: People love what Snoot! does for their sinuses, after trying everything for years. It’s better or as good as neti pots, saline nasal sprays, antihistamines, decongestants, Afrin and Mucinex or these can work better as a team with CD. To purchase the bundle with a discount click here .
Extremely low doses are effective medical treatments, no toxic metabolites. It cannot be patented, making enough to last a lifetime costs under $100, easy to manufacture at home using sodium chlorite (not sodium chloride, salt) and an acid “activator.”
Chlorine dioxide is the biggest medical advance in our lifetime, important to learn.
When I get discouraged by the evil forces against us, I think of the untold numbers of wonderful people with vast chlorine dioxide experience. I have included the best links for you. If you have ever researched cancer treatments in PubMed you notice patients primarily die not from the diseases but from the treatments. They often become immune-compromised, end up in the ICU with sepsis, die from a combination of fungal and bacterial infections. Yet if you look at google or the FDA they will make statements that CD is poison. Laughable!
Here is my interview with my buddy Kevin Hennings. He did not know about CD chlorine dioxide yet you will learn what he used after 3 years of colon cancer chemo, told he had 3 weeks left to live! I also interviewed Prof Dr Thomas Seyfried who helped us understand “cancer is not parasitic, and it is also not genetic, it is metabolic that is why the keto and carnivore diet are so helpful as well as fasting and using products such as fenbendazole.”
missionary curing many diseases, truth-teller about chlorine dioxide. He called it “MMS1.” The first chlorine dioxide documentary, Quantum Leap explains the FDA's lies, you’ll suddenly realized CD is credible. The biggest contributors to your chlorine dioxide knowledge will be Howard Alliger, Jim Humble and recently, Andreas Kalcker. Alliger discovered and patented medicinal benefits, starting the Alcide company and SNOOT! Humble was on a South American gold mining expedition when his crew fell desperately ill. He gave each of them a few drops of his sodium chlorite water purifier, recovering within hours.
Kalcker popularized chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) and a simple way to make it at home.
Cholorine Dioxide is what you purchase at sports stores for purifying water for travel
Some had used CD at the start of covid to rapidly cure family of covid using the Aquamira water purifier drops that are still sold at REI and online sources. When he called the company, the owner said they knew about the health effects but that their product was designed for backpacking. They refused to explore medical usage.
CD has profound and universal effects on health. When used chronically, it can cure many diseases, prevent others. Study this post as if your life depends on it, for it does.
CD becomes a gas at 52 degrees F, dissolved in water and into the nose or swallowed, rapidly evaporates in the warm stomach, passes into the surrounding tissues, drawn like a magnet to acidic areas. There, it does its oxidation magic, healing cancers, heart disease, infections of all kinds and many neurological diseases.
That last paragraph seems too incredible. What is clearly known is that CD profoundly affects diseases, even advanced pancreatic cancer, which is a quick death for anyone who trusts traditional medicine. The most feared and/or resistant infectious diseases, including herpes, covid, malaria, fungal illness, Lyme bioweapon (reference), can be healed. Heavy metal toxicity, mental health struggles, coronary artery disease can, too.
All of this is documented in informal, robust clinical trials using tens of thousands of patients. Because chlorine dioxide costs pennies, there is no money to be made on it. No contract research groups have ever been hired to perform fraudulent studies or cook the numbers, as Pharma does for covid/flu/shingles shots, some cancer treatments, cholesterol pills and baby/teen/adult “vaccines.” No expensive statisticians are needed for diseases like malaria, where the cure rate is close to 100% after three CD doses at two-hour intervals.
But most telling of all is that media and government agencies are heavily suppressing this information. We live in a surreal, upside-down world.
Conventional antibiotics fail to save lives in 17 percent of severe malaria cases, it kills 2.7 million a year. Four-fifths are children under five years. The CD dose to cure malaria for adults is 12-14 drops taken three times at two-hour intervals. For kids, it is 7-8 drops in the same pattern.
Here are the terms to learn:
MMS (miracle mineral solution) is sodium chlorite. It can be activated by stomach acid if your stomach is normal.
MMS1, activated sodium chlorite, is a two-part system that was first used for human consumption by Jim Humble. One to four drops of sodium chlorite 22.4% are swished in a glass for a minute with the same number of drops of hydrochloric acid 4%. The mix turns brown, is diluted in four ounces of water, and consumed immediately. Although other activators besides hydrochloric have been used, hydrochloric acid produces the least side effects. Avoid citric acid. The drops refer to the total sodium chlorite drops, not the sum of these plus the acid drops. plus the acid drops.
CDS, chlorine dioxide solution, can be made using a method popularized by Andreas Kalcker to purify the substance by dissolving it in water. This requires some special glassware and know-how.
CDS does not help malaria or autism, but MMS1 universally cures malaria and is effective against most cases of autism. Conclusion - MMS1 is much stronger. Perhaps bec. CDS is partially inactivated by stomach acid, because when CDS is put into a solution similar to stomach acid with a low pH, it turns clear.
After several years of using CDS, sophisticated observers began to think it was only useful for IV or topical use, which would have made it a dead end. However, it has been used orally many times in the decade since Kalcker popularized it, and the chlorine dioxide testimonials reported since have included many about CDS.
Kids tolerate anything, so MMS1 is best for them.
GI upset may be worse with MMS1 than CDS due to the use of citric acid activator. Hydrochloric acid is far more gentle. Major authority says there is no difference between CDS side effects and those for MMS1 ever since hydrochloric acid has been used to make MMS1. Stomach upset and diarrhea are due to Herx* reactions, not to MMS1 toxicity. To stop the reaction for the day, drink a glass of orange juice, which is an antioxidant that inactivates chlorine dioxide. Take no more MMS1 the rest of the day, start the next day with half the dose.
*Herxheimer reaction was originally described with the penicillin treatment of syphilis. As the antibiotic killed the spirochetes, patients had fever, chills, body aches, skin rashes as the dead bacteria were being eliminated. Similar reactions can occur when other effective treatments are used, even herbal supplements.
Current theories say MMS1 lasts longer and activates further as it passes through your stomach and intestines. Although it is hard to establish dose equivalencies or exactly why it is so, MMS is far stronger and more effective than CDS.
Creating CDS requires special glassware, works best when refrigeration is available to keep the substance from immediately evaporating, once you mix the two.
Most chlorine dioxide trainers want to teach people to fish rather than sell them fish.
Andreas Kalcker’s book is above, available HERE, HERE, and HERE. He has generated enormous interest in chlorine dioxide, developed a global organization. It is impossible to dismiss his service, courage, or the opposition he has faced. However, from reports and emails, he rarely gives credit to his colleagues. They painstakingly developed protocols and acquired massive clinical experience while living in small countries and curing poor people. Kalcker did some of that, but he came to the scene late.
Jim Humble wrote several books about CD/MMS and arranged to remove their copyright upon his death. Doctor Yoho click here to subscribe to his blog bought them for you. Download them immediately in case dark forces try to hide them.
MMS Health Recovery Guidebook Ebook 2016
Master Mineral Solution 3rd Millennium 2011
They switched from MMS1 to CDS when it was first popularized and used it for a few years. Many abandoned it after they understood it was inferior, but because of Kalcker's promotion, it has caught on.
Dosing and usage for MMS1
Mix one to four drops of sodium chlorite 22.4 percent with the same volume of hydrochloric acid four percent in a glass. Swirl it around for about one minute, then add 4 ounces of water and drink it immediately. Set your cellphone timer for another hour. Avoid food or supplements during MMS1 consumption.
You should scan the protocols from The Ultimate Guide to get ideas, but there are no hard and fast rules. Taking less MMS1 may be as good as taking more—the stuff works even in tiny quantities. Using it four hours a day might work as well as eight.
If you are sick, you might start with 100 drops in a bath twice a day for a week. Twenty drops are a cc, so this is 5 cc of each ingredient. It is gentle, and even 400 drops in a bath is gentle. Others might try a drop an hour orally for eight hours for the first few days before advancing to two drops or more.
Never be in a rush, for if you go too fast, you may have stomach upset, diarrhea, or feel poorly. This is a Herx reaction. Stop for the day and start the next day on half your prior dose. To take a half drop, mix a drop of sodium chlorite 22.4% with a drop of the four percent hydrochloric acid activator, swirl it for a minute, put the water in, then throw away half. Do not be discouraged if you Herx—the chlorine dioxide is treating your toxicity.
How to make huge quantities of chlorine dioxide in your kitchen for pennies
The following is excerpted from the complete manual HERE. This was also referenced in my prior posts, and you should read the entire thing and watch the videos.
Make enough 5% hydrochloric acid for your neighborhood for less than $100
Ingredients: Distilled water: 300 ml HCL 35%: 50 ml Instructions: (Detailed instructions for all solutions in videos)
When mixing the two solutions, always add the acid to the water. (Never add water to a concentrated acid, as this can produce a splatter reaction.)
In a glass measuring cup or container, add 300 ml of distilled water. Now add 50 ml of 35% HCL.
Label and store in amber/opaque bottles away from sunlight.
Make enough sodium chlorite 22.4% for years of use
280 grams of 80% sodium chlorite (NaClO2) flakes or powder. 720 grams of distilled water Makes 850 ml MMS Instructions:
(Detailed instructions for all solutions in videos)
Mix sodium chlorite and distilled water together after measuring. It may take up to 30 minutes to dissolve. Filter with an unbleached coffee filter if sediment is present. (Use only a plastic spoon and a glass container such as Pyrex. No metal.) Label and store in amber/opaque bottles out of sunlight.
Yoho: If your measurements are somewhat imprecise, it will all still work. Also, there are several grades of reagents. Try to figure out what you are buying and get the best you can find, but you will only be consuming a minuscule amount. Concentrated hydrochloric acid from various sources is perfect for this application, for example. Also, sodium chlorite flakes are only 80% pure. Do not worry about that.
All that said, be as careful as you can and read the instructions in the wonderful reference above.
About the author of The Ultimate Guide
The Curious Outlier is a dad, registered nurse, 25 years of critical care experience. He chooses to remain anonymous, yet you can reach him at
Worry less!
Taking chlorine dioxide every week or possibly daily rectifies many modern woes. It eliminates toxins, including pesticides, heavy metals, and herbicides such as glyphosate. It destroys many prescription drugs right inside your body, which is usually a good thing. How much CD you need to use is an individual decision that should be made by trial and error using careful judgment. Four hours a week might be enough if you are not dealing with specific health problems.
What happened to retired Dr Robert Yoho?
His friends—Steve, Kerri, Michelle, Tanya, Tamara, and others—who tutor and support him on his journey. Kerri has weekly successes with autism, and Tamara seems to have cured her nasty, unstable diabetes after only a week of using three drops an hour of MMS1 four hours a day. When she had a hypoglycemic episode that required a trip to the hospital, she discovered she no longer needed insulin. This was a success but a brutal way to learn.
This is nothing compared to the tales we hear from Steve about cures for cancer and other diseases. It all seems like magic, science fiction, or a smile from a benevolent God. Efforts to conceal and libel chlorine dioxide are failing, the movement has compounded exponentially over the past 10 years. We must never be intimidated by propaganda from the mainstream or anyone else.
For Robert Yoho, after only two weeks of taking three drops of MMS1 an hour, he has energy surge and sleeps through the night!!!
This is general commentary; I am a nutritionist, hypnotherapist and never give medical advice. If you can find an expert to help you, godspeed, but these are rare and hard to judge. The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide is the best single reference I found. You must make your decisions based on your research and judgment. Do your reading and never believe me or any other authority without confirmation.
Bear in mind two of my rules:
Believe your eyes, experience, intuition, which is the sum of logic and emotions. Have confidence in your discernment powers and take little on faith or authority.
If a source contains explanations you do not understand, it can generally be cast off as false.
Evidence that aqueous chlorine dioxide solution can inactivate the binding of spike variant proteins to the human ACE2 receptor protein.
This means that if you have done it💉 and need to get rid of spike proteins chlorine dioxide can do it.
I love all you people for telling the truth about cd. I took it 2 years ago just experimenting starting with a low dose
(One half a drop). When I reached 3 drops I began to feel poorly. I don’t remember how many times a day. I stopped. No knowledge. Now we have it!!!!!
OMG thank you!