“The War may have ended, the ‘Nazi mindset’ never did”
— Human Rights Activist & Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav
On masks, covid injections, vaccine passports, coming Digital ID, forced shot or lose job, lose heart transplant, shut down of schools/businesses, stay 6’ apart, tearing apart friends and family due to fear caused by Pharma-sponsored media…
Vera Sharav created the documentary “NEVER AGAIN IS NOW GLOBAL” 2023, teaching we did not learn the lessons of the Holocaust. We just had a global concentration camp, planned in part by Fauci to profit from Moderna, locked into our homes, authorities locked out sunshine, parks, hikes, beaches, homes, business, sports, Dr offices, using covid prison concept, citizens could not escape Australia/Canada. Most gave into the media-induced fear, masked themselves, stayed home, injected themselves with experimental “hope.” Anthony Fauci (watch here) never mentioned exercise, Vit D, natural immunity, “just get vaccinated.” (long version here)
click to watch INCREDIBLE interview Vera Sharav age 86, born 17 April 1937 in Romania learned to be distrustful of authority now director known for Never Again Is Now Global (2023), she is in The Real Anthony Fauci (2022) by Presidential runner Robert F Kennedy Jr. and War on Health: The FDA's Cult of Tyranny (2012). This Human Rights Activist and Holocaust survivor became a fierce critic of Pharma’s neck-stepping on the medical establishment. Pharma sponsors “Dollars for Docs” paying medical schools, late night talk-show hosts, bank-rolls CNN Anderson Cooper $12 mill salary, pays Anthony Fauci, NIH, hires CDC FDA employees (click for more info) to go around poor clinical studies in order to get drugs and medical devices/procedures approved, as was achieved for EUA, Emergency Use Authorized rapid approval covid shots. It takes 2-5 years to discover long-term side effects of medications yet old and young rolled up their sleeves to find out what Mrna would do to our delicate, God-made body. Watch 1 min clip, virologist responsible for FDA approving covid shots for kids, lose her life “suddenly.”
Click here for my Vera Sharav interview sharing parallels she sees 1930’s and 40’s Holocaust to 2020-2023 government controls, using covid as an excuse for tyranny. Vera witnessed stay-at-home lockdowns as Ghettos, masks as Star of David, social distancing as anti-social distancing. Vera says our government has modeled covid tyranny after the original blueprint for the Holocaust. Shutting businesses, staying 6 feet apart, sending police to bother people alone on the beach or hike or kayak, forcing masks and experimental shots were all part of a bigger plan. Will you be awake and ready for the next plan which may be Global Warming or Digital currency or nuclear threat, designed to control your life, eliminate your power?
EVERY WEDNESDAY WE ARE ON TWITTER 3-6pm, invite friends to this audio call, you do not need a Twitter to listen: or click here
WE DISCUSS covid and VAX INURED, HOW TO HEAL, USE THE LAW, W.H.O EXPERTS, BALLOT FRAUD. Hope you join twitter, it is freedom to speak.
WATCH NEVER AGAIN IS NOW 2023 here and here subscribe Vera Sharav’s site
Listen to our interview click here Vera Sharav explains threat of Digital ID currency like China will force you into shots, you won’t able to fly, drive, nor use your home utilities. Example, May 25, 2023 Amazon shut off man’s smart home devices a week, after delivery driver Brandon Jackson, who is black, falsely accused him of racial slur via a doorbell intercom, easily proven false.
Until the Dec 2020/Jan 2021 release of covid shots into the public arm, there wasn’t much societal awareness of the corruption in academic medicine by Pharma money. Vera Sharav is one of the pioneers (read here), creating awareness of this problem, exposed experimental HIV drugs on toddlers NY’s foster care, helped scuttle govt research paying low-income Florida families $970 test children’s exposure to household pesticides, bioethics commission highlighting abuses of mentally ill patients for scientific research, outspoken against psych drugs after son Ami, early 20s, struggled w/schizophrenia, dying of Clozapine side effects. Vera, outspoken on suicide risk antidepressants pose to teenagers, adults too. Vera warns Pharma pressured, paid off Professors, Medical Schools, media as extensions of Nazi regime:
Watch a 12 min compilation of Prof Hoetz, paid by Pharma to change his view, after warning Congress March 2020 covid shots will come out too fast, past experiments killed 2 babies, changed tune as mouth piece for Pharma on every media platform to scare the public into covid shots, using school closures, mask kids, “covid inject the globe, especially Africa.”
REPORT FROM ISRAEL focusing on covid injection’s impact on fertility, reproduction, women’s health, newborns, early reports of menstrual disruption post-vaccination came from women of the Jewish Orthodox community, immediately after Pfizer rollout: excessively heavy, painful period, missed periods, excessively long spotting, periods returning for older women post-menopause. Unvaccinated women noticed after being intimate with recently vaccinated husbands painful, heavy, long-lasting, period-like cramps.
Israel May 2023 - Official Israel Ministry of Health report published, during the entire pandemic, before experimental covid shots arrived, zero healthy people under 50 died of covid. Zero. Not a few, not even one, absolute zero young healthy person died of covid 2020 to 2023. Deaths from covid overall were from those with co-morbidities causing inflammation, cytokine storm; the obese, obese w/uncontrolled diabetes, alcoholics, cocaine users, COPD on oxygen, hospital ventilated, hospital use of Remdescivir/Veklury (7 min: killed my Dr friend), going through cancer treatment.
Here is the Israeli document on zero covid deaths to the healthy:
As an example, Immediately after receiving 5th covid shot, 30 year young man collapsed, died. Tragically, along with much of the world, was brainwashed into shots and more shots, boostered into inflammation of the gut, skin heart, lungs, joints, and more. There was no evidence the covid shots work, for a disease posing zero risk to him. He "followed the science" paying with his life:
To browse the many children and adults killed or debilitated from the covid shots, and their caretakers, type “Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca” into and You can also check kids killed or wheelchairs from the HPV Gardasil shots by Merck here
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ZEOLITE HEAVY METAL DETOX mineral is mined from the earth, cleaned, remineralized, nano-sized then suspended into water molecules using sonic technology so that it can travel everywhere throughout the body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal ion, which is then “caged” and escorted out of the body in 4 to 6 hours. Link asks you to set up auto ship, cancel anytime but why not try few months:
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click here for cancer expert received covid vax, noticed heart damage, turbo cancers
my friend Steven Ordonia got JnJ then Pfizer: suicidal due to heart pain, tinnitus, groin pain, shoulder knee joint pain, psych meds did not work
covid shots give you covid, researchers analyzed Pfizer documents
Just one Pfizer shot killed Trista Martin, 18, heart and organ failure as well as Dan Hartman’s son Sean 17, Ernest Ramirez son Junior age 16.
my friend Carly almost died of flu shot, paralyzed almost a year - are any shots safe?
click here for: Dr Buttar killed/poisoned for speaking against Pharma and Fauci, Learn how Hero Physician Doctor Buttar said he was murdered via poison on my Rumble
Thank you for this great information and links. Such a shame so many do not see the parallels you have succinctly described. This once again will bring a horrific death toll, all because many failed to learn and understand history and are repeating it as I write this. Sigh 😔.
Thank you for all your hard research and posts. I will do what I can to use your information and get it out there.
God bless you!
In a world devoid of meaning the zombies worship “the science” as defined by the masters. They begged for protection and begged the masters to take their souls in payment. The masters replied “we already have them” and began the slaughter.
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